Project Scheduling Optimization

The project scheduling problem (PSP) is one of the most challenging problems in the operations research (OR) field; thus, it has attracted many researchers within its modeling, solution methodologies, and optimization algorithms.

A scheduling system involves modeling the problem, selecting a solution approach for optimizing schedules, and finally implementing an optimizing algorithm through programming tools like Matlab or Python.

Project Overview

The client had multiple excel files ( in 1000s) containing the following information

  1. Project start and end date
  2. Different resources required to complete an activity
  3. Predecessors are required to start an upcoming activity. 

And the client wanted to execute an optimization algorithm with a different set of files arrangement.

Project Scheduling Algorithm implementation on Matlab

Automated Data Handling

We programmed automated scripts to import and sort data from excel files containing different project schedules. These scripts also looked after any changes made to recourses type and date rows for future usage. It was a user-friendly, automated solution for data handling.


Complex Algorithms and Date & Time Format

Proglabhelper was required to convert data in date & time format, and each step of the project scheduling algorithm should be designed with that format.

We come with an innovative and creative approach to handling these complex algorithms. And with the help of Matlab built-in functions, we built a project schedule algorithm that tackled all these challenges gracefully.

Exporting Optimized Schedules

After implementing an optimization algorithm, we programmed scripts to export data of each scheduled project separately on excel files.